The Battle of the Piontian Empire with Italy and Persia during the reign of Justinian


  • Shaimaa Razzaq Shakir College of Medicine - University of Kufa- Iraq. Author



Byzantine, Crusades, Justinian.


The era of Justinian (527-565) is considered one of the most important eras in the sixth century AD, not only for the Byzantine Empire, but also for its neighboring countries, because his era was distinguished by the large number of wars with neighboring countries, especially Italy and Persia. His first wars were offensive, because he wanted to liberate Italy. From the Ostrogoths and returning it to the possessions of the Roman Empire, because of its great historical and religious status in the Christian world, he wanted to be the largest and most important Christian ruler in the world after he liberated it from the occupiers. As for his wars with Persia, they were defensive, because his reign coincided with the reign of Chosroes. He is considered one of the most important and greatest kings of his time, and hostility has been known between the two countries since their rule The era of Khosrau, who was considered one of the most important and largest kings of his time. The hostility between the two countries was known since they assumed power, and despite his victory in Italy and its liberation from the Goths, it cost the empire a lot of money and lives, and his war against the Persians led him in the end to pay... The annual tribute to Chosroes, and thus, the empire did not increase during his reign except poverty, taxes, and a decrease in population.




How to Cite

Alsabaagh, S. R. S. (2024). The Battle of the Piontian Empire with Italy and Persia during the reign of Justinian. Ijhss, 2(1).