Article Processing Charge

Fee procedures for publishing scientific research in the IJHSS Journal are as follows:
Upload the search via the official website of the journal

The research is evaluated and sent to the researcher's email.
Send a follow-up and publication fee of $300.
The researcher can follow the following methods of payment:
Money transfers - Western Union - Bank Transfer - MoneyGram - _PayPal _ Visa Card Transfer - Zain Cash
To know more details about the payment method, you can contact the following number 00601159553749
Or the following email

A comprehensive report is sent to the researcher via his e-mail with all notes that must be modified to reach an integrated research according to the terms of the journal.
The acceptance of publication is sent to the researcher after completing all procedures by the arbitration committee for the latest version of the scientific research.
On the date of publication of the issue, the researcher is sent free of charge an electronic copy of the published research and the entire issue in which it was published.