The Importance And Role Of Scientific Research In The Progress Of Nations


  • Ghazala ouled mokhtar University of ghardaia Algeria/ University of ghardaia Algeria
  • رشيد سعادة University of ghardaia Algeria/ University of ghardaia Algeria



Scientific Research, Research Importance ,Progress Of Nations


developed countries have realized the inportance of scientific research in their  progress and developpment  so t hey focused most of their attention and efforts on scientific research because it is the only way to solve the problems they face ,and because human needs are increasing day by day ,and ways must be found to meet them  in a sound manner, and through this research paper we are trying to identify on the reality and concept of scientific research, and what is the importance and role of scientific research in the progress of nations?




How to Cite

Ghazala ouled mokhtar, & سعادة ر. (2024). The Importance And Role Of Scientific Research In The Progress Of Nations . Ijhss, 2(spc.).