Interactive jurisprudential activities between imparting research skills and community development




jurisprudential activities - interactive activities - research skills - community development


Interactive activity is an important part of scientific research, as it stimulates researchers to prepare scientific studies and shapes the research identity. Since jurisprudential research is concerned with explaining the rulings of Islamic Sharia by looking at the evidence of the law, where the diligent jurist examines speculative issues in the Quran and Sunnah and the sources of inference derived from them to deduce the Sharia ruling, ancient jurists carried out many interactive activities for this purpose. These activities were clear in dialogue and discussion during scientific lectures, discussion sessions, jurisprudential debates, stories and tales, and jurisprudential riddles. They also also appeared in their travels in addition to hypothesizing issues to examine them from different angles to reach their Sharia ruling, encouraging their students to closely examine the texts and not just accept them as received. Interactive activities have evolved with the integration of modern technologies in education into modern terms that aim to achieve the same goal, such as brainstorming, preparing presentations, creating video clips, electronic games, and associated artificial intelligence applications. Interactive activities have also been associated with illustrative means, such as explanatory shapes, images, educational videos, and teaching the correct way to write scientific research with its different methodologies. Therefore, this research comes to shed light on the interactive activities of the ancient jurists and highlight their importance in acquiring research skills and their effective contribution to the development of society.



How to Cite

Shehata, P. A. F. A. (2024). Interactive jurisprudential activities between imparting research skills and community development. Ijhss, 2(spc.).