Obstacles to excellence in e-learning and mechanisms for improving them in the light of leading international practices -

Distance learning is a model as an entrepreneurial experience -, a theoretical study


  • Aliyah Mohmmed AL Aidh Asiri King Khalid University - Saudi Arabia




e-learning obstacles , distance learning , ways to improve


 The study aimed to identify the obstacles to excellence in e-learning and distance learning as a model, and the mechanisms for improving them in the light of leading international practices. The study followed the descriptive approach. The researcher dealt with the concept of e-learning, its importance, the characteristics of the e-learning environment, its components, the objectives of e-learning, the obstacles, and ways to overcome through several international experiences, such as Like the Canadian and Jordanian experience. It also dealt with distance learning in terms of its definition, importance, objectives, characteristics, elements, obstacles, and ways to overcome them based on international experiences. The results revealed hat : E-learning is of great importance in improving the educational process, and it is an effective way to overcome difficulties in which face-to-face learning is not feasible, and that distance learning helps student to acquire useful information by communicating through electronic educational platforms, and that one of the ways to overcome its obstacles is to take advantage of global experiences in this field  as Saudi, Finnish, and Emirati experience. The researcher recommended the necessity of holding training courses for teachers and students, to help them to deal with electronic educational platforms.



07/15/2023 — Updated on 07/19/2023

How to Cite

Mohmmed AL Aidh Asiri, A. (2023). Obstacles to excellence in e-learning and mechanisms for improving them in the light of leading international practices - : Distance learning is a model as an entrepreneurial experience -, a theoretical study. Ijhss, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.61856/ijhss.v1i2.42