The Effectiveness of a Program Based on the Local Musical Heritage of Moroccan Children in Raising the Level of Creativity and Academic Achievement


  • Omar EL BLIDI Mohamed 1st University – Oujda-Morocco
  • Khadija EL BLID Mohamed V University – Rabat-Morocco



Action Research - Digitalization- Musical Heritage - Child - Creativity


Over the past years, the necessity of adopting a preventive treatment plan that relies on scientific research to preserve heritage and exploit it in developing and building tomorrow’s Moroccan generation has become apparent. This research studies the impact of using the child’s digitized musical heritage for the purpose of influencing levels of creativity and academic achievement in primary schools from fragile social and economic backgrounds. A multi-method approach was chosen for this study that adopted creativity under two different perspectives: creativity as a product creativity as a process. The methods used to explore the problem were quantitative, in the form of a standardized test of creativity and analysis of mean scores with descriptive observation. The results show a positive correlation between the artistic program and the improvement of creative cognitive skills in the Moroccan school. However, the results of the quantitative creativity test left some questions about the relationship of arts in education and academic achievement. Creativity has proven to be more systematically understood as a creative process.



How to Cite

EL BLIDI, O., & EL BLID, K. (2024). The Effectiveness of a Program Based on the Local Musical Heritage of Moroccan Children in Raising the Level of Creativity and Academic Achievement. Ijhss, 2(1).