The Pragmatic Values of Imam Hassan's Letters to Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan
Correspondence, Pragmatics, Discourse, Text and Context, Speech ActsAbstract
Pragmatic values in the letters of Imam Hassan, peace be upon him, to Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan Pragmatics is a new term that has been expanded into a wide area of modern linguistic study areas and has been extended to relate to other studies related to logic, semiotics, and linguistics. Pragmatics is summarized in the study of language use that does not study the linguistic structure itself, and pragmatics is a new science of human communication that studies linguistic phenomena in the field of use. Through this research, we would like to highlight some pragmatic values in a literary type of the art of sending that has special features, which is the Diwaniya letters or royal letters, specifically in the letters of the then Imam, peace be upon him, to Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan. The importance of this research lies in identifying the relationship between discourse analysis and pragmatics, learning about the topics of pragmatic analysis among some prominent scholars in this field, and the extent to which the blog “The Diwaniyah Messages of Imam Hassan, peace be upon him,” responds to pragmatic analysis. This topic was chosen for several reasons, including the tendency towards linguistic studies, especially pragmatics and attachment. With the legacy left by the People of the House, peace be upon them, the study was divided into two parts, a theoretical section and an applied section. The theoretical section included the title of pragmatic analysis topics, in which I addressed the definition of pragmatics and discourse. Then I detailed the pragmatic analysis topics that will be used in analyzing the blog and the relationship between pragmatics and discourse analysis. As for the section The application carried the title of a pragmatic analysis of the Diwaniyah letters of Imam Hassan, peace be upon him, adopting the following pragmatic procedures: the context of verbal acts, verbal, indicative, intentional, and argumentative, and it began with an introduction in which I dealt with the concept of the art of sending, the types of messages, and the end. At the conclusion of the research, we tried to reveal some of the pragmatic values in the letters of Imam Hassan. Peace be upon him, to Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan. It is difficult to limit the topics of pragmatic analysis, as they differ from one researcher to another, and most often these researchers meet in context, verbal and verbal acts, deictic, intentional, and Argumentative
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